How much is needed to be raised in funds?

We have been extremely thankful to date to all those who have ‘put their hands in their pockets’ to help us.

The money needed depends on how many developments we need to object to and the stage the application reaches. The more expensive items are legal fees for advice on planning law interpretations etc, transport and landscape reports.  The transport report we commissioned to object to both the initial application made by Millwood for the land on Mayfield Road and their subsequent rebuttal contributed significantly to obtaining a planning refusal.  We budget for each objection campaign as it arises.

What are we spending our donations on?

Legal & Planning advice; Transport Report; Campaign Materials (such as posters/leaflets etc) & Communications such as our website. Admin items such as hall hire & event costs. Our Team have also met some costs personally. We would be pleased to furnish further details.

How do I find details of a planning application?

Wealden District Council website/Planning Applications & Advice section & Search Applications. You can search with a Ref if you know it. It begins with WD/xxxx/xxxx. You can search by postcode or road name. You can also set up an alert to inform you of any new applications in your immediate area.

How do I write an objection to a planning application?

Please go to ‘Library’ at the top of the page. It will take you to the outline ideas for a letter. Or click here.

How do I get a ‘Save Rotherfield’ poster?

Please go to ‘Library’ at the top of the page. It will take you to the outline ideas for a letter. Or click here.

We no longer have any new house posters but will reprint early 2023. In the meantime go to ‘Library’ at the top of the page and you will find an A4 poster to print out.

Are there any protests or events planned?

Not currently, but we will organise the best way to get our message across according to the challenges ahead of us so watch this space or ‘News & Events’.

Who can I write to protest about development in Rotherfield ?P

See above on how to write an objection letter but also you can telephone or email our local Rotherfield Parish Council, Wealden District Council or Nus Ghani our MP.

When is the next fundraising event ?

Please see the News & Events page above

Who are the Rotherfield Protection Group?

Please go to ‘About’ above and ‘the Team’ - you will see the profiles of our Committee Members - all of whom are local residents with a care for the future of our wonderful village.

How do I get involved in the Group or the Campaigns?

Please see our ‘Get Involved’ section above. We would welcome any help at all!

Who can I speak to in the RPG?

In the first instance please contact Sue Barnett on 0777 8015348. She will ensure you reach the person you need. Alternatively, go to the Team page for information.

How do I keep up-to-date on what is happening?

See the News & Events section of our website.

You can join the Supporters List and you will be emailed with key updates (contact Sue Barnett on 0777 8015348) or send an email to save.rotherfield.aonb@gmail.com (see Get in Touch below). Please state your name, address, tel no & confirm you are fine for us to store you details to comply with the data protection legislation.

Update leaflets are distributed in the Rotherfield part of the Parish bi-monthly.

Join our Facebook Group below or follow us on Twitter. Our email address is save.rotherfield.aonb@gmail.com. We would welcome your interest.