The Team

  • Jeff Thomas


    Jeff Thomas is a retired planning consultant with over 40 years’ experience in local government and private practice. Until his retirement Jeff ran his own planning practice, jmtplanning, and he has lived in Rotherfield for over 37 years.

  • Chris Langridge


    Chris Langridge brings his legal expertise to the table and is a retired solicitor currently practising as a Notary Public in Rotherfield. He has lived in the village for 17 years.

  • Sue Barnett

    Project Management/Administration

    Retired from a working life spent in global programme management, preceded by HR and Finance roles. I have lived in Rotherfield for the last 10 years as it ticked all our boxes when we were house hunting and we plan to stay here, hence the motivation to help protect the village and its surrounding beautiful countryside from inappropriate developments. I find the rules around planning mind boggling and usually focus on supporting the meetings, minutes, general admin and any other actions that need sorting.

  • Robin Jeffrey

    PR & MEDIA

    A freelance musician, living in the village centre. I have absolutely no knowledge or experience of planning but my family has been raised on this landscape, and when somebody wants to destroy it for their private profit, I am not best pleased. I try to contribute by organising fundraising events, distributing leaflets and signage and communicating with as many people as I can!

  • Ian Clabby


    I help to raise funds and bring campaigning skills to the Group. A recent arrival 5 years ago in Rotherfield but I recognised how the Village is very special. I am determined to preserve the wonderful character of the village and protect the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) which are being destroyed by greedy developers and a ‘not fit for purpose’ planning process.

  • Kathryn Jarvis

    Legal & Planning

    Kathryn works as a corporate lawyer and lives in the village with her husband. She is passionate about life here and brings creativity and energy to RPG along with her legal expertise.

  • Tony Southern


    Tony lives in Rotherfield with his wife and children. He brings commercial, planning and financial experience to the RPG team and truly wishes to ensure Rotherfield stays modern whilst preserving its great heritage.

  • Sally Langridge


    As a practising solicitor Sally brings her expertise in property law and is currently a Partner with the Tunbridge Wells law firm, Cripps. Sally has lived in the village for 17 years.

  • Matthew Pancaldi


    Matthew brings his global business, commercial and strategic expertise to our group. He lives in Rotherfield with his wife and children.

  • Mike Whitlam


    Mike has lived with his wife Lindy in the village for many years. He has great knowledge of the area and is actively engaged in village life. Mike is one of the founders of RPG many years ago when the village was under considerable threat from inappropriate development.

  • Sharon Bohane


    I am a semi-retired international business consultant who spent much of my childhood in Rotherfield. I returned 15 years ago to be near to my family. I am truly passionate about fairness and balance and joined RPG to use my strategic; leadership & commercial expertise to help ensure Rotherfield has the chance to grow steadily, retaining its unique community atmosphere and may protect its heritage whilst remaining modern and relevant.