Rotherfield Parish Council Refuse Court Farm Applications

Great News!  Last night, Rotherfield Parish Council (RPC) unanimously agreed to recommend to Wealden District Council that both of the Court Farm applications be refused.  That is application no. WD/2023/0893 for 75 dwellings and Application no. WD/2023/0880 to change the section 106 agreement.

Thank you to all those who came along to the meeting and filled the village hall and for all the contributions villagers put forward.  We are over the first hurdle and will now focus on the next step which is a decision by Wealden Council.  We do not know when this will be.

Although the Parish Council has recommended refusal on the two applications it is still important that you object if you wish to.  The deadline for comments on these applications is 21 May for WD/2023/0880(Section 6) and 4 June for WD/2023/0893 (75 dwellings). so, there is still time to submit yours if you haven't already done so. 

We would also like to bring to your attention the application for 9 houses on land to the rear of St Peters Church which received outline planning permission in 2017.  The approved application was for 9 houses, 2 being affordable, 2-bed houses.  The latest application is for 8 houses, 4 x 3-bed and 4 x 4+ bed and no affordable housing.  Interesting timing for this revised application!  Comments/objections can be submitted on this application WD/2023/0998 until 4 June.





17th May 8pm